Liturgia szczytem i źródłem formacji
liturgy, liturgical formation, sacramentals, liturgical sources, worship, preaching, Catechesis, Eastern Church, Western ChurchSynopsis
Niniejsza monografia poświęcona jest zagadnieniom związanym z formacją liturgiczną. Składają się na nią teksty wygłoszone podczas XIII Międzynarodowego Sympozjum Liturgicznego Ad Fontes Liturgicos pod tytułem Liturgia szczytem i źródłem formacji liturgicznej, zorganizowanego w dniach 25–26 października 2022 roku przez Instytut Liturgiczny Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie we współpracy z Greckokatolickim Wydziałem Teologicznym Uniwersytetu w Preszowie (Słowacja), Greckokatolickim Instytutem Teologicznym św. Atanazego w Nyiregyházie (Węgry) i Ukraińskim Uniwersytetem Katolickim we Lwowie (Ukraina).
Theological Aspects of Liturgical Formation
The Letter “Desiderio desideravi” of Pope Francis as a New Challenge for Liturgical Formation
The Cultural Dimension of Liturgical Formation
The Role of the Discipline of Canon Law in the Liturgical Formation of the Faithful of the Catholic Church
The Liturgical Formation of Clerics after the Second Vatican Council
A Reflection on the Liturgical Preparation of Candidates for the Priesthood after the Relegation of the Greek Catholic Church from 1968 to 1990
„Manual of ceremonies for students of the theological seminary” of 1907 as one of the examples of the liturgical formation of seminarians in the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church
Formation For and Through Liturgy: An Overview of the Liturgical Formation in Contemporary Romanian Orthodoxy
The Beginning of Liturgical Formation in Romania: The First Liturgical Manual in the Romanian Language
Liturgical Seminars – a search for answers and formative tool: the case of the Lviv Archeparchy, UGCC
Liturgical Formation of the Lay Faithful in the Prelature of Opus Dei
The need for liturgical formation of youth
Commentaries and the Role of a Commentator in the Contemporary Roman Liturgy
Chorus Angelorum: Towards the Active Participation of the Liturgical Assembly. A Look at the Functionality of the Choir
“The Homily is a Disaster”. The Need to Improve the Quality of Homilies
The Mystery of the Sign of the Cross in the First Centuries of Christianity: a Liturgical Historical Study
Is a New Mystagogy Possible in the Byzantine Liturgy?
Liturgical Prayer as a School of Formation for the Faithful in the Syro-Malnkara Church Tradition
Worship of the Most Holy Eucharist in Churches of St. Volodymyr’s Baptism over the centuries
Prayers of the Byzantine Liturgy of the Word as an Introduction to Meditation on the Holy Scriptures
The Specifics of the Using of Psalms in the Catholic and Jewish Liturgies
December 11, 2023
Copyright (c) 2023 Przemysław Nowakowski, Adelajda Sielepin, Marcel Mojzeš, Viktoriya Semenova, Janusz Mieczkowski, Michal Glevaňák, Ihor Vasylyshyn, Cezar Login, Dumitru A. Vanca, Vasyl Popelyastyy, Kazimierz Ginter, Martin Tkáč, Daniel Brzeziński, Šimon Marinčák, Henryk Sławiński, Jarosław Superson, János Nyirán, Mateusz Rafał Potoczny, Petro Sabat, Vasyl Rudeyko, Valeriia Orzhykhovska, Ştefan (Simeon) Pintea
Details about this monograph
ISBN-13 (15)