Is a New Mystagogy Possible in the Byzantine Liturgy?


János Nyirán
Greckokatolicki Instytut Teologiczny św. Atanazego w Nyíregyháza, Węgry


Our experience increasingly shows that the former enthusiasm for rites, sacraments and liturgical life is waning, both among the faithful and the clergy. In fact, we do not really and thoroughly know the content, symbolism and theology of our liturgy. We try to keep our Christian lifestyle within certain limits, relying mainly on the moral teaching of the homilies, but our liturgical life is less developed. In this research I would like to reflect on these problems and, if possible, find solutions through a mystagogical approach. The question arises: how can we reconnect people with the mysteries? How can we approach the mystery itself? How can liturgical texts help us to understand the mystery? This paper attempts to answer these and other questions and, after an introductory section on mystagogical catechesis, emphasizes its indispensable role and importance through the analysis of three Byzantine hymns written for Holy Wednesday, Christmas and the Dormition of the Mother of God.



December 11, 2023


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