Culture and morality. Contemporary challenges
Human being is both the creator of culture and is shaped by it. The natural environment for his development as a person is exactly the cultural environment. Therefore, his well-being depends on the shape of culture. There is no denying the fundamental confrontation that is taking place between the hitherto existing culture, which grew out of the Christian message, and the secular culture, which in the new globalised and communicatively closely interconnected reality is assuming the rank of dominant culture. Both of them contain a strong normative dimension and their own vision of morality. The new global culture, which promotes individualisation and relativisation of moral norms, rejects reference to God and is marked by a strong Promethean motif, i.e. the utopia of the new man and the new society, poses a great challenge to the believer as an individual and to the Church as a community. This unavoidable confrontation can, on the one hand, correct and stimulate certain elements of the hitherto strongly Christian culture, but it is also necessary to clearly ask the critical question whether the new global culture is really based on an adequate concept of the human person and serves the true well-being of individuals and societies.