The need for liturgical formation of youth


Martin Tkáč
Uniwersytet Preszowski w Preszowie, Słowacja


Contribution describes individual aspects of liturgy’s perception. The study is focused on today’s lifestyle of a young person and introduces the role of liturgy in his/her life. The introduction of the study is based on two seemingly contradictory theses: firstly get to know in order to love and firstly get to love in order to know. The contribution thus parallels the issue of knowing the liturgy. This forms the main framework of the study and these various aspects of the liturgy’s perception are following from it: the psychological aspect, the social aspect, the pedagogical aspect and the spiritual aspect. These levels are based on a survey conducted through the pedagogical method of the questionnaire. The conclusion of the paper is the evaluation of the survey. The contribution can than be helpful in youth pastoral work.



December 11, 2023


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