The language of nature mysticism in the works of St Francis
Saint Francis of Assissi is not only one of the most well-known and popular saints of the universal Church, but also medieval poet and troubadour, brother of the “small”, the simple and the poor. In spite of being a well-educated medieval scholar, he became a bard of praise for all creation. His life was full of faith and prayer, and he himself in this life wanted to faithfully follow Christ, imitating Him. He wanted to revive the evangelical ideal of Christ in personal worship of God on a daily basis through full admiration and his admiration of the world God created. In this way, he was not only the creator of mystical works, but also articulator of the universal values that a man dreams about and for which a human being entangled in sin always strives. An expression of this coherence of faith and admiration for beauty is his famous “Song of the Sun, which has permanently entered the canon of world literature. The great admiration and respect for God, another man and nature fully reflect Francis’ admiration expressed in an inspired word through which the Poor Man of Assisi teaches others this subtle but extremely important verbal form of communication, outstanding and characterizing, making every thinking person different from all other creatures.