Christian religion and imperial politics under Constantine the Great and Constantius II
The article presents the theological disputes that arose after the dogmatic determinations made at the First Universal Council of Nicaea in Asia Minor in 325. It discusses the period from the conclusion of that council until the death of Emperor Constantius II in 361. The first part shows the religious policy of Emperor Constantine the Great, supporting the dogmatic provisions of the Council of Nicaea. The next part depicts the theological disputes under Emperor Constantius II, which were sealed by the double synod he convened in Rimini and Seleucia in 359. Imperial policy, which dominated all theological discussions during our study period, led to the imposition of the Arian heresy on virtually the entire empire.
January 2, 2025
Copyright (c) 2025 Andrzej Napiórkowski, Daniel Strzelczyk, Adam Sejbuk, Augustyn Nomo Belinga, Jacenty Mastej, Grzegorz Łydek, Marek Ławreszuk, Janusz Lewandowicz, Michael Kahle, Łukasz Filipiuk, Bazyli Degórski, Kacper Borkowski, Mirosław Stanisław Wróbel