The Trinomial of Truth, Love, and Freedom in the Letter to the Galatians: Univer-sality and the Effectiveness of Paul’s Persuasion


Dariusz Sztuk
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie


Some themes, some thoughts – the result of the Apostle of the Nations’ reflections and inquiries, transferred onto the pages of papyri and parchments, have a timeless, universal reference. This also applies to the reading and actualization in the 21st century of St. Paul’s reflection addressed to the Churches of Galatia, which, despite the passage of time and the change of contexts, remains a challenge for the Church and its communities and for people living in our time. The mentioned thematic threads include love, truth and freedom – the trinomium so emphasized in the content of the Letter to the Galatians and presented against the background of the life and ministry of the Apostle to the Gentiles himself as a testimony of adherence and proclamation with the use of load-bearing rhetorical means, which include periautology.



December 30, 2024


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