The Power of the Word of Life in the Writings of St. Paul
St. Paul, Pauline Letters, biblical theology, hermeneutics, exegesisSynopsis
The monograph “The Power of the Word of Life in the Writings of St. Paul,” edited by Sylwester Jędrzejewski SDB and Roman Mazur SDB, is the tenth volume of the Hermeneutica et Judaica series published by the Department of Biblical Hermeneutics and Judaic Studies at the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow. This publication honors Bishop Roman Pindel, a renowned biblical scholar, whose episcopal motto, “Verbum Vitae continentes,” serves as an inspiration for the presented analyses. The book consists of thirteen chapters covering a broad spectrum of topics, including theological interpretations of St. Paul’s Letters, rhetorical analyses, soteriology, and the apostle’s influence on Christian tradition. The chapters discuss, among other subjects, the unity of truth, love, and freedom in the Letter to the Galatians, the wisdom of God and humanity in the Letters to the Corinthians, and issues related to patristic texts. Some chapters also address topics of intertextuality in biblical analysis and Judaic reinterpretations of biblical texts. The monograph is a significant contribution to biblical studies and hermeneutics, enhancing the understanding of the messages contained in St. Paul’s writings and their relevance to the life of the Church.
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In the service of the Word of Life
Paul in the Psalms? Rom 3:10–18 and Ps 14
The Trinomial of Truth, Love, and Freedom in the Letter to the Galatians: Univer-sality and the Effectiveness of Paul’s Persuasion
Divine Wisdom and Human Wisdom in Paul’s Message to the Corinthians (1 Cor 1:17–3:4)
The Issue of Eating Food Sacrificed to Idols in Light of the First Letter to the Co-rinthians
The Spiritual Testament of the Apostle to the Nations (Acts 20:17–38; 2 Tim 4:1–8)
The Soteriology of Theodoret of Cyrus in the Commentary on St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans
The Triumphant Struggle of Truth Over Falsehood in the Book of Revelation
Intertextuality in Biblical Exegesis
The Tree in Eden in the Book of Jubilees