Old Age in Pastoral Perspective


Jan Dziedzic
Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow


human dignity, pastoral care, seniors, death, Church, mourning


The publication titled “Old Age from a Pastoral Perspective” contributes to the ongoing research on aging and old age. The motivation for writing this book stemmed from the growing interest in the challenges of aging and the desire to explore the phenomenon of old age through the lens of pastoral theology. The ultimate goal is to facilitate better implementation of pastoral initiatives that enable older adults to continue fulfilling their vocation within the Church and the world. Given the current circumstances, there is an urgent need for creative and constructive pastoral activities. The Church has a responsibility to support seniors, and their presence and active involvement in parish communities can significantly enrich the life of the Church. This book was conceived as a re-source to help design such pastoral solutions. Recognizing the multidimension-al nature of aging, the publication aims to present this phenomenon from various perspectives, offering a comprehensive discussion of its complexities. It ex-amines old age in both individual and societal contexts, presenting its content in five chapters, each addressing a distinct aspect of aging. Together, these chapters provide a fuller understanding of the phenomenon and the challenges it poses for seniors, their families, society, and the Church. The book also responds to the increasing interest in aging by presenting a broad, interdisciplinary understanding of the topic. This monograph is particularly valuable for pastors and caregivers who support older people, especially those who suffer or face exclusion. Drawing on the insights offered, it enables purposeful and informed actions to better address the needs of seniors. While aging is an inevitable process that cannot be entirely halted, it can be slowed, and its effects mitigated. To ensure that the presence of older individuals is not solely perceived as a problem, this work advocates a shift in perspective—viewing old age as an opportunity rather than merely a challenge.

Starość w perspektywie pastoralnej • okładka



December 27, 2024


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)
