Instytucjonalna pomoc i wsparcie interwencyjne osobom w kryzysie ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem ofiar przemocy


Magdalena Lubińska-Bogacka
Uniwersytet Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
Bożena Majerek
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie


Stress is a key element in the emergence of a crisis. When it reaches a critical level and the usual methods of dealing with it become ineffective, a crisis occurs. As a stressful situation escalates, normal coping mechanisms do not provide relief, and the person often experiences extreme feelings of fear, anger, grief, hostility, helplessness, hopelessness, and a sense of alienation from oneself, family, and society. A crisis appears suddenly and unexpectedly; it may be just one event or many crisis situations encompassing the entire reality. And then an intervention system of care and support should appear. Crisis intervention is the skillful entry into the personal situation of a crisis victim at the right moment. In the crisis intervention system, the intervener tries to solve a problem that often leads to psycho-physical destruction. The task of crisis intervention is to help the crisis victim regain balance. If the victim needs help and further support in the form of counseling or psychotherapy, effective crisis intervention can significantly alleviate the need for intensive therapy. This article provides knowledge about the work and activities of individual services and intervention institutions (psychological, pedagogical, medical, social and justice) dealing with helping families in various crisis situations in which domestic violence is a significant social problem. Diagnoses carried out by the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Policy show that as many as 24.7% of people in Poland declare that they have personally experienced at least one form of violence during their lives.



19 December 2023


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