Interwencja kryzysowa w procedurze „Niebieskie Karty”, interdyscyplinarność działań – nowe wyzwania dla członków grup roboczych w czasie pandemii w kontekście podejmowanych działań na rzecz rodziny, w której występuje przemoc


Urszula Pułczyńska-Kurek
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie


During the pandemic, especially during the surge in the number of infections with the coronavirus – SARS-CoV-2 virus, the working rules of the staff of institutions providing sup port and assistance to families in crisis were changed. The time of the pandemic also forced a change in the way the ‘Blue Cards’ procedures were conducted, members of the working groups had to learn to work remotely, using electronic means of communication - telephone calls, videoconferences. Direct contact was only possible with a sanitary regime, in exceptional situations. Working group meetings started to take place remotely, with members connecting with each other and clients by telephone during meetings. Going out into the community was also reduced. However, interventions continued. The article shows that the Blue Cards procedure includes crisis intervention activities as well as interdisciplinary activities. The roles and tasks of the different members of the working groups undertaking intervention activities for families with violence during the pandemic are presented.



19 December 2023


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