Asystent rodziny w interwencji kryzysowej
The family assistant, as a support person for families in difficult life situations, performs his or her tasks in a variety of roles. One of these is the role of intervener. The perception of this role by assistants varies. This article is an attempt to provide insight into the work of an assistant through the experiences of the assistants themselves and to present factors that support and hinder effective intervention.
19 December 2023
Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Katarzyna Wojtanowicz, Małgorzata Duda, Bożena Majerek, Magdalena Lubińska-Bogacka, Urszula Pułczyńska-Kurek, Adrian Biela, Józefa Matejek, Rafał Jękot, Grzegorz Wąchol, Dorota Kumorek, Anna Goch-Murzyniec, Katarzyna Gucwa-Porębska, Mateusz Pękala, Sylwia Michalec-Jękot, Dorota Kubacka-Jasiecka; Janka Bursová