Interwencja kryzysowa jako forma pomocy inkluzyjnej na rzecz osób doświadczających kryzysu izolacji penitencjarnej
Leaving a prison unit after serving a custodial sentence is a difficult time for many inmates, full of anxiety about reintegrating back into the community. For many inmates, especially those at risk of a homelessness crisis, intervention suport is one of the priority interventions. The aim of this article is to identify forms of intervention-inclusion support for people experiencing penitentiary isolation. In addition to the theoretical issues, excerpts from own research of an individual case analysis will be presented, which will further bring the specifics of the professionalisation of intervention support in a custodial environment.
19 December 2023
Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Katarzyna Wojtanowicz, Małgorzata Duda, Bożena Majerek, Magdalena Lubińska-Bogacka, Urszula Pułczyńska-Kurek, Adrian Biela, Józefa Matejek, Rafał Jękot, Grzegorz Wąchol, Dorota Kumorek, Anna Goch-Murzyniec, Katarzyna Gucwa-Porębska, Mateusz Pękala, Sylwia Michalec-Jękot, Dorota Kubacka-Jasiecka; Janka Bursová