Profetyczna intuicja Jana Pawła II o Ukrainie jako kolebce cywilizacji chrześcijańskiej Europy Wschodniej


Stefan Batruch

Über dieses Buch

The article is an attempt to show the historical awareness of John Paul II in the context of possible role of Ukraine in the Christian world. The author tries to prove that these intuitions are essentially prophetic. The text refers to the speeches and letters of the pope, in which he outlined the political and social situation on the line Ukraine — Poland — Russia. A significant perspective for the whole article is the understanding of Ukraine as a country belonging to Europe, while Russia is treated as an Asian country. The entire argument is accompanied by an ecumenical approach — it was indicated that, according to John Paul II, Ukraine has an urgent task of social and moral rebirth of Eastern Europe and churches of various traditions should be involved in this process. An important point of the article is the conviction that the current Russian totalitarian regime is destroying the pillars of Christian civilization.



November 8, 2023


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