On the inner civilization of man. A presentation of Feliks Koneczny’s modified method of the study of civilizations in order to capture the inner civilization of man
Słowa kluczowe:
inner civilization, human behavior, Feliks Koneczny, philosophical necessity, fundamental ideas, civilizational theory, Étienne GilsonStreszczenie
This work investigates the concept of “inner civilization,” a model for understanding the internal structuring of individuals based on deeply held ideas and convictions that influence behavior. Inspired by Feliks Koneczny’s theory of civilization and enriched by insights from Étienne Gilson, José Ortega y Gasset, Gustave Le Bon, and Bogusław Wolniewicz, we propose a method for analyzing how these internal structures shape human actions. Central to our thesis is the principle that individuals never act contrary to their core ideas, a controversial yet foundational assertion we seek to substantiate. Our approach critiques historicist and psychological models, emphasizing the philosophical necessity that ideas inherently determine behavior. We aim to refine and expand Koneczny’s classifications by identifying a new type of inner civilization, highlighting the intricate relationships between beliefs, motivations, and actions. While this study serves as a preliminary outline of our research method, it seeks to lay the groundwork for further exploration and invites constructive critique to develop a more comprehensive understanding of the inner forces shaping human behavior.