Ideology and disorder. Can we achieve the common good through moral neutrality? A view of Ecology based on the thinking of Władysław Zuziak
This work examines ecological issues from a moral perspective, drawing on the reflections of Professor Władysław Zuziak. First, we attempt to identify the reasons behind the insufficient consensus on the impact of human activity on environmental degradation. We find that the primary obstacle is not scientific or technical, but rather axiological: we lack, and have failed to establish, a community of shared values that would allow us to agree on the significance and value of the natural world and the effects of our actions on the planet. Second, we argue that this impasse is influenced by ideologies within societies that promote moral neutrality, leading inevitably to social conflict and making long-term, meaningful agreements unattainable. Finally, we outline Zuziak’s proposals for achieving consensus by fostering a community of shared moral values centered on the human person. Zuziak also contends that universities have a responsibility not only to advance scientific research but also to promote ethical values and ultimately work toward creating a global moral community capable of addressing environmental challenges.